Help you establish a system you can trust to achieve your goals at your own pace.
Expand your capacities by outsourcing the coding part.
You need online presence. Let us help you!
Communication, Environment, Habits, Goal setting, Leadership, Ownership, Career paths, Competencies
Delivery, Monitoring, Quality assurance, Infrastructure, Architecture, UI/UX, Performance
Extreme Programming, Clean code, Iteration plannings, Task management, DevOps, CI/CD, Support
Every team needs systems they can trust in order to grow.
We assess how you operate, find the pain points and help you improve where it is needed the most at your own pace.
Waste: any activities with no value
Ideal team size: 3-12 people
On-site assessment
Follow through a few iterations with you, in person, to review how you operate and develop products.
Actionable Plan
Steps to eliminate waste and stress to improve efficiency.
Transition at your own pace to achieve your goals with a system you all can trust.
We can help you with...
New products
New features
Quality improvements
We provide consultancy and software development services world-wide, located in Budapest, Hungary.
Our sole purpose is to help you achieve your goals at your own pace.
Zoltan Kohalmy
+36 70 425 1878